1990 Susek Dr., Pineville, LA  71360  —  Sunday, 10:30 AM-12 Noon

What we believe

We believe that we have a specific God-given purpose which is the motivating force behind all that we do: to be renewed and become more like Jesus, to lead others to be renewed and become more like Jesus.


Our vision for this is to become a diverse community of authentic love and hope, where you can belong, believe in Jesus, and be renewed along the way.

What we believe about ...

-Jesus.   Jesus is the subject. Everything we are and do is prefaced by this. We are citizens of His kingdom.  Jesus is Lord. The way, the truth, the life. He is our Mediator between the Creator God and humanity.
-Holiness.   The Holy Spirit of God can, and does, transform us as we follow Jesus. The Holy Spirit makes us holy, set apart for the work of God’s Kingdom. The Spirit makes us aware of sin in our lives, empowers us to overcome that sin, works through us to encourage and help others, and is our Advocate and Comforter.
-Unity.   We are to be a catalyst for Christian unity, believing division of the body of Christ is the opposite of Jesus’ plan and vision. We believe denominations and groups represent Jesus only when we work with one another, and not opposed to one another.
-Love.   We stand firmly on Jesus’ teaching and example that the entirety of the Law and Prophets is summed in “Love God with your entire being” and “love your neighbor as yourself.” This love is action.
-Scripture.   We are people of Christian Scripture. Whatever question or situation that comes before is, Scripture is God’s first method that informs and guides us.
-Making disciples.   We are about sharing the love of Jesus with our community, helping people discover a relationship with Jesus, and encouraging, equipping, and empowering each other to live out this faith.
-The Kingdom of God.   The rule & reign of God is a present reality to be experienced in our lives now, and into eternity. The Kingdom is not of this world, and will therefore never be about earthly politics.
-Trinity.   We believe in the Trinity (if that isn’t already obvious). The one God expressed in three ways, or “persons,” Creator (Father), Savior (Son) and Spirit.
-Equality in ministry and leadership.   The distribution of the spiritual gifts of God are not determined by gender. God pours His Spirit on all people, so that what was once divided is now united. We celebrate, encourage, and empower women in every area of ministry, as gifted and directed by the Holy Spirit.

“PCG has shaped not only the woman I am, but the spiritual journey I’ve had with Christ. PCG is a part of me, and without this church family, I would not have the relationship with God that I do. I would not be the wife, mother, sister, or friend that I am. This church is a home to me, and has been almost my whole life. There is nothing more inspiring to me than to worship, learn, struggle, and grow with this loving family of Christians.”